BBS in a Box 5
BBS in a Box -Volume V (BBS in a Box) (April 1992).iso
System7 tools
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Name = 7.0 20 things.cpt
Path = AMUG CD:Files:System7 Tools:A: 7.0 20 things.cpt
Size: 10K Date: 7/02/91 Version:
The First 20 Things to Do with System 7.0. Copyright 1991, Apple Computer,
Inc. This document goes over the first 20 things you might want to do
and/or notice about System 7. It is an AppleLink package of a MacWrite II
Path = AMUG CD:Files:System7 tools:A:7.0 KEY COMBINATIONS.cpt
Size: 10K Date: 6/27/91 Version:
If you have been thinking that Apple screwed up the keyboard mapping for
System 7, they didn't. This MS Word (3.0) document contains the reasons
Apple used to change the KCHR resource and associated tables listing the
changes. This info is straight from Inside Macintosh, Volume VI.
Keywords: KCHR,System 7,7.0,keyboard,It's a feature... not a bug!
Name = 7.0Q&A.cpt
Path = AMUG CD:Files:System7 tools:A:7.0Q&A.cpt
Size: 40K Date: 6/17/91 Version:
This is a text file from Apple Computer on System 7.0 questions and
answers. Decompress with compactor.
Name = 7.0 Stack.cpt
Path = AMUG CD:Files:System7 tools:A:7.0 Stack.cpt
Size:341K Date: 7/03/91 Version:
This System 7.0 Stack is compressed with Disk Doubler. The stack includes
extensive feature lists of System 7.0 and is approximately 800K
Path = AMUG CD:Files:System7 tools:A:ALIASMAKER.CPT
Size: 9K Date:11/16/91 Version:
This little program will make an alias of every application on its
startup disk and put all of them in a new folder entitled "AliasMaker
Aliases". It will also give you the option to discard all existing
application aliases of type 'adrp' except those in your Apple Menu Items
and Startup Items folders. This will make it handy to launch all appl-
ications from just one folder instead of having to open a bunch of windows
while in the Finder. SYSTEM 7 DEPENDENT .. obviously. Enjoy!
Path = AMUG CD:Files:System7 tools:A:ALERT.CPT
Size: 8K Date: 7/28/91 Version:
This INIT will move the cursor to the default button of the alert.
It can also center the alert in the screen. A control panel is included
to configure the INIT. It is system 7 compatible. Keywords: INIT,extension,
alert, cursor, system 7.
Name = Alias Finder.cpt
Path = AMUG CD:Files:System7 tools:A:Alias Finder.cpt
Size: 7K Date:12/12/91 Version:
A small application that finds alias creators with one step. Alias Finder
was written to provide a simple way to find the file that an alias file
refers to. It performs this in the most natural way possible: it asks the
System 7 Finder to show the file. It does this by sending an Apple Event
to the Finder which was specifically created to do this. To have Alias
Finder find an original file, merely drop the alias file on to Alias Finder
within the Finder. Alias Finder will run and then exit, and the Finder
will open thefolder where the original file is and select that file. Alias
Finder can also find folders and volumes. Fast and Effective. Essential for
System 7 users.
Name = Apollo 0.7ß2.cpt
Path = AMUG CD:Files:System7 tools:A:Apollo 0.7ß2.cpt
Size: 81K Date: 1/26/92 Version: .7b2
Apollo is an application launcher, a program which lets you launch other
programs. You select an application from its pop-up menu and Apollo starts
that application just as if you had double-clicked its icon in the Finder.
Apollo will also let you attach documents to an application in its menu:
choosing a document launches the application and tells it to open the
document, similar to the action taken by the Finder when you double-click a
Name = AppDisk 1.4.cpt
Path = AMUG CD:Files:System7 tools:A:AppDisk 1.4.cpt
Size: 23K Date: 2/25/92 Version: 1.4
AppDisk 1.4 - AppDisk is a ramdisk application that lets you use part of
your ram as a fast disk drive, without restarting your Mac as most
INIT/CDEV based ramdisks do. It is System 7.0 dependent, and is 32 bit
clean(so you can really use some of the 256 megs of ram you've got in your
Quadra 900, right?!). It also has the ability to save its contents to
provide some protection against loss of data due to system crashes.
Name = Apple Color Icons 7.0a.cpt
Path = AMUG CD:Files:System7 Tools:A:Apple Color Icons 7.0a.cpt
Size:154K Date: 7/20/91 Version:
This a VERY extensive set of color icons for System 7.0 files created by
Immedium Design. Includes improved icons for current icons plus new icons
for Namer and Extensions Manager! SHAREWARE Disk Doubler 3.7 compressed
file. Keywords: Immedium Design,Apple,System 7.0,Color,Icons.
Name = AppleEase.cpt
Path = AMUG CD:Files:System7 tools:A:AppleEase.cpt
Size: 10K Date:11/01/91 Version:
AppleEase contains two files for use with System 7.0. AppleEaseIn, when you
drag an Icon from another file or application onto AEI's Icon, and alias of
that file with appear in your Apple Menu. If the option key's held down,
the original file will be in the Apple Menu. Command key will cause an
alias to be installed in the Startup Items folder. AppleEaseOut is an
extension which will, when a file's selected from the Apple Menu, with the
option key held down, remove the item from your Apple Menu and place it on
your desktop.
Name = Apple HD SC Setup 7.0.cpt
Path = AMUG CD:Files:System7 Tools:A:Apple HD SC Setup 7.0.cpt
Size: 52K Date: 7/02/91 Version: 7.0
This file is the new updater for Apple Hard drives and System 7.0. The use
of the updater does not require initialization of the hard drive.
Name = Applicon21.cpt
Path = AMUG CD:Files:System7 tools:A:Applicon21.cpt
Size: 44K Date: 8/28/91 Version: 2.1
Applicon makes tiles (you choose the size and position) of every running
program on your mac. Click on the tile, and you are immediately switched
to that app. System 7 only. Faster (and nicer) than the App-menu.
Name = Ashtray.cpt
Path = AMUG CD:Files:System7 Tools:A:Ashtray.cpt
Size: 6K Date: 9/06/91 Version:
Ashtray is a system extension (INIT) which converts text into PigLatin. In
its current implementation, you have to hold the option-key down to get the
feature to work. Missing Features: The current version does not use the
International Utilities routine "FindWord" to determine what is a word, and
what is not. Known Bugs: There is still an initial debugger break (NOP it
out). It does not handle anything but the 1st word correctly. Single letter
words are not converted to keep from conflicting with menu key equivalents.
Name = aurora2.1.1.cpt
Path = AMUG CD:Files:System7 tools:A:aurora2.1.1.cpt
Size: 22K Date: 7/20/91 Version: 2.1.1
Aurora 2.1.1 is a cdev (Control Panel Device) which will allow you to
change text background, menus and hi lights when running System 7.0.
FREEWARE. Compact Pro compressed file. Keywords: Aurora,cdev,Color,System
Path = AMUG CD:Files:System7 Tools:B:BALLOON FONT.CPT
Size: 6K Date: 7/28/91 Version:
A simple little cdev/INIT to change the font size of help balloons to size
12 with options for Geneva or Chicago fonts, incase you are tired of
sticking your nose in the screen to read balloons ... unless you have 20-10
vision !. Changes will be permament until you change the size again using
this Control Panel device. Before you use it the first time, select
"Show Balloons" from the ? Menu for help. Has been tested on a Classic and
an SE/30 and seems to run fine.. no guarantees for the IIfx !! System 7.0
dependent. Compact Pro fromat. Enjoy! Keywords: System7dependent, help,
balloons, fontsize, compactor.
Name = Bully.cpt
Path = AMUG CD:Files:System7 tools:B:Bully.cpt
Size: 8K Date: 9/06/91 Version:
by Scott T Boyd, The MacHax™ Group. Copyright © 1991, all rights reserved.
I have a 2MB Macintosh that is sometimes the only one I have around to
develop with. MPW just doesn’t cut it with only 700k (which is all it gets
with 7.0). Bully gets me what I need by killing Finder and using its space.
With my setup, this can get me as much as 1.2MB. I built Bully with MPW
Pascal on my 2MB machine while running System 7. To use Bully Quit
everything you can or want to quit. Drop one application or document on
Bully. Limitations Bully does not open the document you dropped, but it
does find it’s application and get it launched for you.
Name = CD-ROM Setup 3.2.cpt
Path = AMUG CD:Files:System7 tools:C:CD-ROM Setup 3.2.cpt
Size: 70K Date: 7/02/91 Version: 3.2
This file contains the upgrade files from Apple to use the Apple CD-ROM
drive with System 7.0. Software may be used only upon conditions
CONSENT TO THE CONDITIONS. All software Copyright (C) 1991 Apple Computer,
Inc. unless otherwise noted; all rights reserved except as expressly
provided. Keywords: Apple,CD-ROM,Driver,3.2,System 7.0
Path = AMUG CD:Files:System7 tools:C:CUSTOM KILLER.cpt
Size: 20K Date: 2/14/92 Version:
Custom Killer, a drag-and-drop utility (Drop Box), removes custom icons
from files, folders, and even disks. It's a lot faster, especially when
working with multiple items, than using Get Info in the Finder. Especially
useful in conjunction with DeIcon, allowing you to reveal DeIcon'ed items.
Another 7.0 PLUS Utility (Drop Rob-Box) by Robert Gibson. Requires System
7.0 or higher.
Name = Clarus - the Tail Patch.cpt
Path = AMUG CD:Files:System7 tools:C:Clarus - the Tail Patch.cpt
Size: 33K Date: 7/09/91 Version:
To use Claris Tail Patch, drop it in your System Extensions folder and
reboot. Then, while holding down the OPT/CMD keys, select "About the
Finder" from the Apple Menu. This file patches the System 7 Finder "About"
box with some dazzling audio/video MeltiMedia. Requires System 7.
Self-extracting archive. Keywords: Audio,Video,MultiMedia,System
7,Finder,About,About box.
Name = Compatibility Checker 1.1.cpt
Path = AMUG CD:Files:System7 Tools:C:Compatibility Checker 1.1.cpt
Size:105K Date: 8/28/91 Version: 1.1
Upgrade to Compatibility Checker v1.0, released by Apple. Hyperstack
requires Hypercard, as prior version. Much expanded software files
with correction of some errors in version numbers and the like.
For use in checking compatibility of software (including INITS and DA's
with System 7.0.
Name = DEICON.cpt
Path = AMUG CD:Files:System7 tools:D:DEICON.cpt
Size: 20K Date: 2/14/92 Version:
DeIcon, a drag-and-drop utility (Drop Rob-Box), hides the icons of selected
files, folders or disks in the Finder, so that only the name is visible.
That way, you can stack your files, drag-and-drop utilities, etc. without
taking up a lot of room. It is especially useful for making a launchpad
that consumes very little space on your desktop. Another 7.0 PLUS Utility
by Robert Gibson. Requires System 7.0 or higher.
Name = DTPPrinter.cpt
Path = AMUG CD:Files:System7 tools:D:DTPPrinter.cpt
Size: 17K Date: 9/06/91 Version: 1.1
When Apple first introduced System 7 at the 1989 Developer's Conference, it
included something called the 'New Print Architecture'. One of the really
cool parts of the NPA were 'Desktop Printers'. This allowed you to have an
icon on your desktop which represented a particular printer. You could then
drag a document onto the particular printer icon, and it would print to
that printer. Very useful when you have multiple Laserwriters, a Fax
Modem, Print to Disk utility, etc. Well, the NPA disappeared, and with it
'Desktop Printers'....In order to correct this MAJOR oversight, I wrote
DTPrinter which implements 'Desktop Printers' NOW under System 7.
Name = Data Cache Control.cpt
Path = AMUG CD:Files:System7 tools:D:Data Cache Control.cpt
Size: 15K Date: 1/30/92 Version:
The Cache ON INIT is an extension that should turn on the 68030 data cache.
It's for use with the new 8•24GC INIT, use of whicseems to turn the data
cache off.No promises, no guarantees. Ed Ludwig, who noted the problem, has
asked Apple whether there's a reason it turns off the data cache when the
8•24GC INIT loads. He hasn't gotten an answer; pending that, those willing
to take the risk may enjoy some speedup. Don't run this on other than 68030
machines. Tested on a IIfx, only, with System 7.01. Lofty Becker
Name = Desktop Remover.cpt
Path = AMUG CD:Files:System7 tools:D:Desktop Remover.cpt
Size: 7K Date: 2/14/92 Version:
Desktop Remover is a simple program that removes the System 6 Desktop file
saving System 7 users precious space on their hard disk. System 7 users do
not need this file unless they switch back and forth between System 6 and
7. If you do switch back after removing the desktop file, your Mac will
simply rebuild it. You will, however, lose your desktop comments.
Name = DropSave.cpt
Path = AMUG CD:Files:System7 Tools:D:DropSave.cpt
Size: 5K Date: 9/06/91 Version:
With DropSave installed, when you shift click on the title bar of a
document in an application which has a “Save As” menu item, the document
will zoom down to a region shaped like a document icon. You can drag this
region around and drop it on a Finder window. DropSave will then make the
application save the document in that window. By option-shift-clicking on
the title bar, the application’s “Save As” dialog will appear so you can
change the name of the document if you wish. (You can even move around
directories if you really wanted to.) The document will reappear sometime
during this process.
Name = dropple menu.cpt
Path = AMUG CD:Files:System7 tools:D:dropple menu.cpt
Size: 6K Date: 7/20/91 Version:
System 7 extension allows you to drop any Finder icon onto any Apple Menu
item. E.g. drop a text doc's icon onto Word's alias in the Apple menu, and
Word will open that document. Drop an icon onto a folder's alias in the
apple menu, and that document will go into that folder. Pretty stable I've
found. Coded by Fred Monroe with help from Steve Falkenburg. Keywords:
System 7, extension, apple menu, dropple, Finder extension. Decompress with
Path = AMUG CD:Files:System7 tools:E:EASYLAUNCH.CPT
Size: 10K Date: 8/28/91 Version:
A small application...not an INIT that makes it easy to launch all freq-
uently used applications without having to open Finder windows. Works
nicely in conjunction with Applicon in that all the small tiles of
opened applications will appear on the desktop without the clutter of
many opened Finder windows. To use this System 7.0 dependent program,
create a new folder and place EasyLaunch in it. Then make aliases of all
frequently used applications and place them in the folder with
EasyLaunch.you should place an alias of EasyLaunch in the Startup Items
folder in order to have it open on start-up.
Name = Easy Alias.cpt
Path = AMUG CD:Files:System7 tools:E:Easy Alias.cpt
Size: 11K Date:11/01/91 Version:
Easy Alias now makes it easy to create alias files when needed. Simply
drop/drag a file onto Easy Alias and in little time an alias file will have
been created!
Name = Excel 3.0 Startup Fix.cpt
Path = AMUG CD:Files:System7 tools:E:Excel 3.0 Startup Fix.cpt
Size: 4K Date: 7/09/91 Version:
Excel 3.0 add-in which sets the default folder to the folder containing the
first Excel document opened. Works around a bug which causes Excel to
default to the folder containing the application when running System 7.0.
Keywords: EXCEL 3.0, System 7.0, Add-in, default folder.
Name = Extension Manager 1.6.cpt
Path = AMUG CD:Files:System7 tools:E:Extension Manager 1.6.cpt
Size: 19K Date: 9/28/91 Version: 1.6
Extensions Manager allows you to turn "off" or "on" the code that executes
at startup in certain "extension documents" such as Control Panels, Chooser
devices and INITs (known before as startup documents. System 4.2 through
7.0 compatible. All software Copyright (C) 1991 Apple Computer, Inc.
unless otherwise noted; all rights reserved except as expressly provided.
Name = File Browser.cpt
Path = AMUG CD:Files:System7 tools:F:File Browser.cpt
Size: 50K Date: 9/14/91 Version: 1.0
File Browser 1.0 is a very cool System 7 dependent application which you
can use to quickly examine the files and folders on any mounted disk. It
is primarily intended for use by programmers but can be safely used by
anyone--it doesn't modify the files you examine in any way. It's a
browser, not an editor. This software is freeware. For more information,
select the "More About File Browser..." item in the Balloon help menu in
File Browser. By Ed Hall.
Name = Finder 7 Menus! 1.2.cpt
Path = AMUG CD:Files:System7 Tools:F:Finder 7 Menus! 1.2.cpt
Size: 16K Date: 9/09/91 Version: 1.2
This is a short utility which will allow you to creat or edit keyboard
commands for the Finder under System 7.0. DEMO version which becomes fully
functional upon shareware registration.
Name = FinderCabinet.cpt
Path = AMUG CD:Files:System7 tools:F:FinderCabinet.cpt
Size: 5K Date: 7/20/91 Version:
This is a new version of my file for system 6. It includes a replacement
desktop icon for system 7. A two-drawer cabinet, the lower drawer opens
and closes and replaces the file folder icon which simply darkens when
selected (ho-hum). You need ResEdit, and included is a short but
instructive course on using it to modify both system 6 and system 7.
As a little extra, you'll find a possible tip on switching drives, for
those who have system 7 on a separate drive. Decompress with DD 3.7.
Keywords: Desktop, Icon, FileCabinet, FinderCabinet, Cabinet Icon.
Name = FinderCommands.cpt
Path = AMUG CD:Files:System7 tools:F:FinderCommands.cpt
Size: 11K Date: 8/28/91 Version:
Control panel device (CDev) that allows you to add command keys to Finder
7's menus. Placing an alias of Finder Commands into the Startup Items
folder will add your command keys at startup. Written by Bob Stuller.
Name = FinderEdit 1.0.cpt
Path = AMUG CD:Files:System7 tools:F:FinderEdit 1.0.cpt
Size: 25K Date: 2/08/92 Version: 1.0
FinderEdit is a very useful System 7 utility you can use to change many
aspects of your Finder and System. The major feature of FinderEdit is the
ability to change the default application the finder chooses when you ask
to open any type of document whose creator can't be found. The Finder
initially maps files of type 'TEXT' and type 'PICT' to TeachText ('ttxt').
Name = FinderEvents.cpt
Path = AMUG CD:Files:System7 tools:F:FinderEvents.cpt
Size: 26K Date: 9/28/91 Version:
Enclosed in this Compactor archive is a Hypercard (2.1) stack which
contains an XCMD (and it's source) which shows how to send all of the
FinderEvents (ie. Apple events to the Finder). It was written by Jon
Pugh the Apple events Registrar at Apple. XCMD, Pascal, Apple event,
Finder, FinderEvents, AEVT, HC.
Name = FinderToFront.cpt
Path = AMUG CD:Files:System7 tools:F:FinderToFront.cpt
Size: 20K Date: 6/18/91 Version: 1.0
FinderToFront is a Startup Application (place it in your Startup Folder).
This application will always put the Finder as the frontmost application
when you startup, rather then the last application that was run before
restarting. Keywords: Startup,Application,System 7.
Name = FixCreator1.1.cpt
Path = AMUG CD:Files:System7 tools:F:FixCreator1.1.cpt
Size: 4K Date:12/12/91 Version: 1.1
An upgrade of FixCreator 1.0. Requires System 7. Changes File Creator and
Type on the fly. Drag files and drop onto the FixCreator icon under system
7, FixCreator will change their creators and types to whatever you like.
(It's so fast, you may not notice anything has happened, but sometimes you
need to close and open the folder that contains your files.) Double click
on the FixCreator icon, it opens up a dialog to set file parameters.
Delete the previous version of FixCreator, thanks!
Name = FixCreator Pro v1.0.cpt
Path = AMUG CD:Files:System7 tools:F:FixCreator Pro v1.0.cpt
Size: 6K Date: 1/30/92 Version: 1.0
Major upgrade from FixCreator 1.1, a freeware utility. Pro is still FREE.
Requires System 7. Drag and drop as many files as you like onto the
FixCreator Pro icon, and FixCreator Pro will change their creators and
types instantly. Double click it, and you can set FixCreator option. Any
file whose name ends with “.rsrc” can be changed into type of “rsrc” with
creator of “RSED”. Or any file with “.GIF” into “GIFf” with “8BIN”. Use *
as a a wild card, like “*.GIF”, “*.rsrc”, or “Picture *”. File name search
is NOT case-sensitive. So you can just type in “*.GIF” to find for “*.gif”
and “*.GIF”. by Kaz Matsuki
Name = Folder Icon 1.0.cpt
Path = AMUG CD:Files:System7 tools:F:Folder Icon 1.0.cpt
Size: 17K Date:12/30/91 Version: 1.0
This application creates custom color folder icons in System 7.0! All you
have to do is drag an application for which you want a color icon for onto
this application and it will create a color folder icon for you! Very
simple, but neat utility. For use with System 7.0 only. Release notes
included. Freeware.
Name = Folder Icon Maker.cpt
Path = AMUG CD:Files:System7 tools:F:Folder Icon Maker.cpt
Size: 17K Date: 1/30/92 Version:
Unmodified copies of Folder Icon Maker may be distributed at no charge.
Folder Icon Maker creates folders with custom icons. If you haven’t already
plastered your folders with icons from another program, or even if you
have, Folder Icon Maker creates attractive folders from almost any file.
To use Folder Icon Maker, just drag an application or document onto the
FIM icon. A new folder will be created in same directory as the file is in.
Name = Folder Icons.cpt
Path = AMUG CD:Files:System7 tools:F:Folder Icons.cpt
Size: 32K Date:12/31/91 Version:
Here are a bunch of Folder Icons I use to brighten the desktop. ResEdit
resources, and a PICT file let you take your choice as to how to use them.
These Icons are only for use with Sys 7.0 and beyond and on color Macs.
Name = Fred's Finder Hacks.cpt
Path = AMUG CD:Files:System7 tools:F:Fred's Finder Hacks.cpt
Size: 14K Date: 8/05/91 Version:
Fred's Finder Hacks.dd - contains Fred Monroes's stupid Finder Hacks for
MacHack 1991. dropple menu - Steve Falkenburg actually came up with this
idea. This hack allows you to drag items from the finder and drop them on
items in the apple menu. AKA - with AKA when you ctrl-drag an item(s) in
the finder it creates an alias at the destination location instead of
moving the item itself. Basura - When you command-delete, selected items in
the front window of the finder will be thrown in the trash can. If you
option-cmd-delete items will be thrown in thetrash and then the trash can
will be emptied. Use Disk Doubler 3.7 to decompress.
Name = Globe 7.0.cpt
Path = AMUG CD:Files:System7 tools:G:Globe 7.0.cpt
Size:361K Date: 2/14/92 Version: 7.0
Globe 7.0 Globe requires 32-bit Color QuickDraw, and System 7.0 or higher
is recommended for optimum performance. It is multi-tasking friendly,
and will continue to run in the background when other applications are
running. It also supports System 7 Balloon Help. For those of you
interested in the technical details, the development of Globe was as
follows... Firstly, I developed a ray-tracing program to model a three-
dimensional ‘universe’ and produce color images with accurate shading and
shadowing. I then set up the ‘universe’ to be one sphere, with a single
light source shining on it.
Name = Group CD Contents.cpt
Path = AMUG CD:Files:System7 Tools:G:Group CD Contents.cpt
Size: 22K Date: 7/02/91 Version:
This file contains the Group CD Contents for System 7.0 installations. Read
this to find out if the Apple System 7.0 Group CD is for you.
Name = HELIUM 2.1.1.CPT
Path = AMUG CD:Files:System7 tools:H-I:HELIUM 2.1.1.CPT
Size: 33K Date: 1/01/92 Version: 2.1.1
Helium is a control panel extension which allows you to define "Hot Keys"
that instantly inflate System 7 Help Balloons without having to choose
"Show Balloons" from the Help menu. When you press the keys, Balloons
inflate - when you release the keys, Balloons go away. You can also change
the font & size that Balloon text appears in. A new feature of this version
is that you can hide the Balloon icon in the menu bar - and unlike most
other utilities that allow this, you can still access the balloon menu for
those special items (like "Finder Shortcuts") if you need to. Helium works
with 32-bit addressing and virtual memory, and has a full online help
system including Balloon Help (surprise!).
Size: 9K Date:11/16/91 Version:
This package contains one FKEY and two small applications to change Help
Balloon Fonts and Font Sizes. Read the Teach Text doc included in the
package. System 7 dependent.
Name = Help Meister™.cpt
Path = AMUG CD:Files:System7 tools:H-I:Help Meister™.cpt
Size: 5K Date: 6/19/91 Version:
Help Meister (tm) is an Init (extension) that allows you to toggle Balloon
Help ON or OFF. Just press the control & Help keys on your extended
keyboard. Requires System and an extended keyboard. Untested on other
keyboards. Stuffit file Keywords: Init,Extension,System 7,Balloon,Help.
Name = ICONTRAPTION 1.0.2.cpt
Path = AMUG CD:Files:System7 tools:H-I:ICONTRAPTION 1.0.2.cpt
Size: 84K Date: 2/14/92 Version: 1.0.2
This version 1.0.2 of iContraption is everything you've been asking for in
a System 7.0-savvy icon utility application. It copies icon families from
file to file by simply dragging between windows, allows you to replace
icon families in programs with ones of your own or from archives or icon
galleries also with a simple drag between windows, creates new icon familes
and individual icons. Allows you to dither icl8s and ics8s when making
icons with fewer colors, so the results look better, supports key System
7.0 features like Balloon Help, AppleEvents, and is 32-bit clean.
Name = Just Click1.0.cpt
Path = AMUG CD:Files:System7 Tools:J-K:Just Click1.0.cpt
Size: 7K Date: 6/20/91 Version: 1.0
JustClick is a system extension that provides the old MultiFinder-style
application switching (clicking in the upper right corner of the screen)
to System 7. FreeWare by Luis Bardi. Use StuffIt Deluxe for off-line
extracting. Keywords: System 7.0,extension,INIT,MultiFinder,Click.
Path = AMUG CD:Files:System7 tools:J-K:KEYHOLDER.CPT
Size: 26K Date: 8/28/91 Version:
It seems that Apple will soon make FKEYs obsolete on future versions of
System 7. If you want to continue using FKEYs, you may want to download
this application, which will archive up to 249 FKEYs and make them all
readily available. It is System 7.0 dependent. Contains 6 new, small FKEYs
by the author. Be sure to use "Show Balloons" for help on what this program
does before you start to archive your FKEYs/ Hope you find it useful!
Path = AMUG CD:Files:System7 tools:L:LASERWRITER 7.0.CPT
Size:154K Date: 6/19/91 Version: 7.0
LaserWriter 7.0 is intended for use with GCC Technologies' BLP II, BLP IIS
& BLP Elite laser printers. LaserWriter 7.0 offers additional page sizes
which support edge-to-edge priting as well as being System 7.0 compatible.
Can also be used with Systems 6.x.x. The PrintMonitor and Backgrounder
included in this file are intended for System 7.0 only. Compact Pro
compressed file. Keywords: GCC Technologies,GCC,LaserWriter 7.0.
Name = LOCKSMITH.cpt
Path = AMUG CD:Files:System7 tools:L:LOCKSMITH.cpt
Size: 20K Date: 2/14/92 Version:
LockSmith allows you to lock or unlock files, folders, and disks quickly
and easily without the trouble of the Finder's Get Info windows. Locked
files and disks cannot be modified until they are unlocked. No locked
item can be renamed or deleted until it is unlocked. When used under
System 7.0 or higher in Drop Box mode, you can modify entire groups of
This utility can be used without System 7. One more of the Drop Rob-Box
family by Robert Gibson.
Name = LauchPad1.1.0.cpt
Path = AMUG CD:Files:System7 tools:L:LauchPad1.1.0.cpt
Size: 7K Date: 2/23/92 Version: 1.1
LaunchPad is a simple utility for System 7 drop-launching (drag-and-drop).
It is the simplest solution that I could find for "Clean-Desktop-types" who
to have easy drag-and-drop access to several applications, but hate to
clutter their desktops with all those icons. With LaunchPad, you place only
the LaunchPad icon on your Desktop. You may then drag documents onto the
LaunchPad icon, whenever you want to drop-launch a document. LaunchPad
will provide standard "get file" dialog allowing you to select a target
application from a list of applications that you customize.
Name = Loudmouth 1.0.cpt
Path = AMUG CD:Files:System7 tools:L:Loudmouth 1.0.cpt
Size:146K Date: 2/24/92 Version: 1.0
Loudmouth 1.0 - In a nutshell, Loudmouth 1.0 is a drag-and-drop utility
which will tell you (literally; audibly) what the four-character filetype
is for any file you drag into the mouth icon. If you create an alias of
Loudmouth, you can keep it in a convenient spot on your Desktop and drag
files to it at any time and hear the associated filetype spelled out for
you. Be sure your Sound is turned on (in the Sound control panel)! The
vocabulary files ('a' thru 'z' plus Default & Preamble) *MUST* be in the
same folder as Loudmouth in order for the program to work.
Path = AMUG CD:Files:System7 tools:M:MACPLUS SCSI ACCEL 7.0
Size: 4K Date: 6/19/91 Version:
This file describes how to update SCSI Accelerator 1.5 to SCSI Accelerator
7.0, which works with Apple's System 7.0 operating system (as well as with
System 4.2 & 6.0). Download this for more information. Keywords: SCSI,
Accelerator, Plus,Hard,Disk,Drive,7.0.
Name = Mac Electronic Reference #1.cpt
Path = AMUG CD:Files:System7 Tools:M:Mac Electronic Reference #1.cpt
Size:1276K Date:11/01/91 Version:
This reference contains instructions for using your Macintosh with system
software version 7.0 (and later versions). It includes the information
that's in the "Macintosh Reference" and "Macintosh Networking Reference"
manuals. This file and segment #1 contain the Contents, Appendixes,
Glossary, Glossary sounds A-C, D-K, L-R, S-Z, How to use this reference and
Overview of this reference stacks. When all the files have been downloaded,
they should be installed in one large folder to work correctly. Requires
System 6.0.5 and HyperCard 2.0 minimally. System 7.0 compatible.
Name = Mac Electronic Reference #2.cpt
Path = AMUG CD:Files:System7 tools:M:Mac Electronic Reference #2.cpt
Size:519K Date:11/01/91 Version:
This reference contains instructions for using your Macintosh with system
software version 7.0 (and later versions). It includes the information
that's in the "Macintosh Reference" and "Macintosh Networking Reference"
manuals. This file and segment #1 contain the Contents, Appendixes,
Glossary, Glossary sounds A-C, D-K, L-R, S-Z, How to use this reference and
Overview of this reference stacks. When all the files have been downloaded,
they should be installed in one large folder to work correctly. Requires
System 6.0.5 and HyperCard 2.0 minimally. System 7.0 compatible.
Name = MailSlot 1.0.cpt
Path = AMUG CD:Files:System7 tools:M:MailSlot 1.0.cpt
Size: 52K Date: 2/13/92 Version: 1.0
MailSlot is simply a utility that constantly monitors a folder to see if it
contains anything. When MailSlot detects a document or an application in
this folder, it notifies you. Combined with the filesharing capabilities of
System 7, MailSlot creates a simple to use mail system. MailSlot requires
System 7 and at least two networked computers. MailSlot works best when
each computer on the network is using MailSlot.
Name = Memory Tips for System 7.0
Path = AMUG CD:Files:System7 tools:M:Memory Tips for System 7.0
Size: 7K Date: 9/13/91 Version:
If you’re having problems opening application programs or printing, these
tips will help you avoid problems by using your computer’s memory more
efficiently. To use System 7, your Macintosh needs at least 2 megabytes of
memory. If you customarily work with several programs at a time, you may
wish to install more memory. For more information about managing your
computer’s memory, see the Macintosh User’s Guide.
Name = MenuChoice v1.1.cpt
Path = AMUG CD:Files:System7 tools:M:MenuChoice v1.1.cpt
Size: 37K Date:12/31/91 Version: 1.1
Menu Choice 1.1 allows heirarchical menus under the Apple menu. System 7.0
Name = Mini Grinders™ 1.0.cpt
Path = AMUG CD:Files:System7 Tools:M:Mini Grinders™ 1.0.cpt
Size: 23K Date: 7/28/91 Version:
Mini Grinders is a collection of small applications that perform simple
tasks on files (Lock It! also accepts folders) 1: Lock It! will lock or
unlock any file dropped on it. 2: GroupInfo will total the physical sizes
of all files/folders dropped on it 3: Snd2SysBeep is a SND utility which
allows tailoring sounds to your taste. To use any of the Mini Grinders
tools, select any file(s) and drag them on top of the application icon so
that the icon hilites. When the application is hilited, release the mouse
button. This will launch the application. Mini Grinders will not work
under System 6. Mini Grinders by Steve Smith & Apple Computer, Inc.
Instructions included.
Name = Mug Shot Lite™.cpt
Path = AMUG CD:Files:System7 Tools:M:Mug Shot Lite™.cpt
Size: 22K Date: 7/09/91 Version: 1.3
Mug Shot Lite 1.3 is a tool to help diagnose system problems on a Macintosh
Information such as the type of QuickDraw being run, Finder, MultiFinder,
AppleTalk and System versions, type of keyboard, which processor's being
used and if running 23/32 bit mode are all recorded. The list of hardware
and software configurations is about as complete as possible. Decompress
with Disk Doubler 3.7.
Name = NetClip Folder.cpt
Path = AMUG CD:Files:System7 tools:N-O:NetClip Folder.cpt
Size: 56K Date:11/01/91 Version:
NetClip is a utility program to transfer clipboards from one computer to
another across a network. Requires System 7.0.
Name = NoBalloonMenu INIT.cpt
Path = AMUG CD:Files:System7 Tools:N-O:NoBalloonMenu INIT.cpt
Size: 2K Date: 7/28/91 Version:
This is the init you've been waiting for! Install this init and unclutter
your Menu Bar. This removes Balloon Help from the Menu Bar of the Finder
and other applications. Keywords: Balloon,Balloon Help,No Balloon,System
Name = ol_apple_events.h.cpt
Path = AMUG CD:Files:System7 tools:N-O:ol_apple_events.h.cpt
Size: 3K Date: 2/17/92 Version:
This file contains On Location Apple Events for use under System 7. This
published document contains the correct language uses for On Location calls
using Apple Events, including descriptions of each function.
Name = PBNumericKeypad.cpt
Path = AMUG CD:Files:System7 tools:P-Q:PBNumericKeypad.cpt
Size: 6K Date: 2/14/92 Version:
The Macintosh PowerBook keyboards lack a built-in numeric keypad. These
keyboard layout files allow one to simulate a keypad on the existing
PowerBook keyboard by holding down option-ctrl. Explanation/Instructions
are included in the archive file.
Path = AMUG CD:Files:System7 tools:P-Q:POPOVER.CPT
Size: 12K Date: 9/06/91 Version:
Variation on Easy Launch, which does not require presence of Balloon Help
menu. User option for window on left ot right side for easier use by
left-handed users. Uses a small PopUpMenu window. Create a new folder. Put
PopOver and aliases of frequently used applications in the folder. Put
alias of PopOver in Startup Items folder and voila! With small window on
the right it works very much like On Cue. Unlike On Cue this is an
application.. no INITs. Look at About... in Apple menu and Show Balloons
for help. System 7.0 dependent On Cue clone.
Name = PWRSWITCHER 1.0.cpt
Path = AMUG CD:Files:System7 tools:P-Q:PWRSWITCHER 1.0.cpt
Size: 30K Date:12/10/91 Version: 1.0
PwrSwitcher allows you to switch applications under System 7.0 via keyboard
commands instead of having to use the Finder's application menu. Will work
with any Apple or probably third party keyboard having a power on key plus
the Mac Portable, using the esc key.
Name = Portable Siesta 1.1.cpt
Path = AMUG CD:Files:System7 tools:P-Q:Portable Siesta 1.1.cpt
Size: 22K Date: 2/04/92 Version: 1.1
Portable Siesta 1.1 allows you to quickly and easily put your Macintosh
portable into sleep mode by typing an esc key. Te use of this key can save
on battery life and no more fooling around with the battery DA. You can
also play an optional sleep sound. By Andrew Welch.
Name = RECOVERUP.cpt
Path = AMUG CD:Files:System7 tools:R:RECOVERUP.cpt
Size: 18K Date: 2/14/92 Version:
To recover files lost due to the 7 TuneUp bug, you must somehow delete
the Desktop Database files. reCoverUP, a drag-and-drop utility (Drop
Rob-Box), automates the procedure. Just drag the disks containing the
corrupt Desktop files over the application icon and the process will be
completed for you automatically. You may still need to fix the disk with a
disk repair utility. Unlike most other Drop Rob-Boxes, this program is
**FreeWare**. By Robert Gibson. Another 7.0 PLUS Drop Rob-Box. Requires
System 7.0 or higher.
Name = Rename Delay Editor!.cpt
Path = AMUG CD:Files:System7 tools:R:Rename Delay Editor!.cpt
Size: 13K Date: 9/28/91 Version:
For System 7 only. When you click on an icon's name, the Finder
waits a while before you get the I-beam cursor. This small
application lets you change this delay (or removes it completely.)
Shareware $10.
Name = RequiredAE XCMD.cpt
Path = AMUG CD:Files:System7 tools:R:RequiredAE XCMD.cpt
Size: 36K Date: 9/28/91 Version:
Enclosed in this Compactor archive is a Hypercard (2.1) stack with
a set of XCMDs which will show how to send the required events (oapp, odoc,
pdoc & quit) to another application either local or remote. Complete with
Think C source these are another nice example of sending events (or
something to use to test your own applications). XCMD, Pascal, Apple event,
Required, Events, AEVT, HC.
Name = ResolveAETN.cpt
Path = AMUG CD:Files:System7 tools:R:ResolveAETN.cpt
Size: 18K Date:11/16/91 Version:
Claris Technical Note, Apple Events in Claris® Resolve™ 1.0
Written by: Jon Thatcher. This document describes the Apple Events which
Claris Resolve 1.0 responds to, including the details of events specific to
Path = AMUG CD:Files:System7 tools:S:SCSI STARTUP.cpt
Size: 16K Date: 2/14/92 Version:
SCSI Startup, a drag-and-drop utility (Drop Rob-Box), sets the current
startup disk to be the selected SCSI drive. Normally you have to open
the Startup Disk Control Panel to change the startup disk. But now you
can simply drag a disk icon over the application in the Finder, and it
will be the new startup drive. Requires System 7.0 or higher. Another 7.0
PLUS Utility (Drop Rob-Box) by Robert Gibson.
Name = SFComment0.5.CPT
Path = AMUG CD:Files:System7 tools:S:SFComment0.5.CPT
Size: 3K Date:12/31/91 Version: .5
INIT modifies the standard file dialog to display comments usually seen
in the Get Info box in the Finder. Mentioned in MacWorld's December issue.
Allows you to see Get info files. 7.O only.
Name = SPARED DISK.cpt
Path = AMUG CD:Files:System7 tools:S:SPARED DISK.cpt
Size: 3K Date:11/01/91 Version:
Spared Disk will display an icon with a "band-aid" on it to represent a
disk that was formatted using System 7.0, but with a bad sector mapped out.
System 7.0 has the ability to format some damaged disks, leaving bad
sectors unused. Spared Disk will use a special icon to represent such
disks. System 7.0 extension.
Name = STATIONER.cpt
Path = AMUG CD:Files:System7 tools:S:STATIONER.cpt
Size: 21K Date: 2/14/92 Version:
Stationer, a drag-and-drop utility (Drop Box), allows you to quickly toggle
the stationery bit on selected files, without the trouble of going through
the Get Info window. It can be used on entire groups and directories of
files, filtering out those on which the bit should not be modified.
Stationery pads are used as templates in System 7.0. Requires System 7.0 or
higher. Another Drop Rob-Box by Robert Gibson.
Name = SYS7 COMPAT.cpt
Path = AMUG CD:Files:System7 Tools:S:SYS7 COMPAT.cpt
Size: 94K Date: 7/02/91 Version:
SYS7 COMPAT.SIT is a stack that identifies System 7.0 incompatability in
applications. Use to analyze your applications before installing System 7.0
to have some idea of the impact System 7.0 will have on your current
Name = Save A BNDL v1.3.cpt
Path = AMUG CD:Files:System7 tools:S:Save A BNDL v1.3.cpt
Size: 11K Date: 2/23/92 Version: 1.3
Save A BNDL v1.3 - Save a BNDL gets the Finder to recognize changes in a
file's BNDL resource without requiring rebuilding the DeskTop or rebooting.
A file's BNDL resource controls what icon the Finder uses for the file and
what other kinds of files can be dragged & dropped onto it. The Finder
keeps a copy of this information in the DeskTop database, so if a file's
BNDL changes, the copy will be out of date. Save a BNDL is primarily of
interest to programmers, but is also useful whenever a file's BNDL
information is out of date. System 7.0 only.
Name = scanAPPL 1.1 .cpt
Path = AMUG CD:Files:System7 tools:S:scanAPPL 1.1 .cpt
Size: 15K Date: 2/17/92 Version: 1.1
scanAPPL 1.1 is a utility that permits creation of aliases for application
files en masse for placement into a folder of your choosing (i.e. Apple
Menu Items).
Name = Shredder 7.0.cpt
Path = AMUG CD:Files:System7 tools:S:Shredder 7.0.cpt
Size: 9K Date: 6/18/91 Version: 7.0
This is a Compactor archive containing the neccessary resources to
change the standard-issue trash can into a shredder. Shredder 7.0 has
B/W, 16-color, and 256-color icons. ResEdit needed. Keywords: shredder,
system 7,shredder,color icons.
Name = Shutdown Items2.2.cpt
Path = AMUG CD:Files:System7 tools:S:Shutdown Items2.2.cpt
Size: 34K Date: 2/17/92 Version: 2.2
Shutdown Items 2.2 - lets you have a Shutdown Items folder, similar to the
Startup Items folder in system 7. Items in this folder are launched during
shutdown (including sound files). You may program your mac to shut down by
itself at a predetermined time, empty the trash, and even shut down a
remote mac on the network! Included is a remote launch feature for
launching programs on another computer. New features include a variable
delay between launching your shutdown apps and actual shutdown (even
delaying shutdown indefinitely), weekly shutdowns, and some bug fixes.
Shareware: $10.00. System 7 required.
Name = Simsonite1.1.cpt
Path = AMUG CD:Files:System7 tools:S:Simsonite1.1.cpt
Size: 6K Date:11/01/91 Version: 1.1
Simsonite makes it easy to create empty suitcases under System 7. Just drop
the program in your Apple Menu folder. Every time it is launched, it
creates an empty font suitcase called "Empty Suitcase" on your desktop.
Written by Don Munsil. Version 1.1 now also creates suitcases, too by
holding down the Option key. If any other key's held down, an About box is
put up and if no keys are held down, a font suitcase is created.
Name = sndConverter 1.2.2.cpt
Path = AMUG CD:Files:System7 tools:S:sndConverter 1.2.2.cpt
Size: 15K Date: 2/14/92 Version: 1.2.2
sndConverter 1.2.2 converts sounds into System 7 format!
Name = SoundExtractor.cpt
Path = AMUG CD:Files:System7 tools:S:SoundExtractor.cpt
Size: 15K Date:11/06/91 Version: 1.0
Sound Extractor will convert sound suitcases to sounds playable by the
Finder under System 7.0.
Name = Super Boomerang 3.0.1' Updater
Path = AMUG CD:Files:System7 tools:S:Super Boomerang 3.0.1' Updater
Size: 6K Date: 2/14/92 Version:
Update and Patches Now Utilities' SuperBoomerang version 3.0.1 to version
Name = SuperRat!
Path = AMUG CD:Files:System7 tools:S:SuperRat!
Size: 4K Date: 9/06/91 Version:
This System 7 Extension (Init) will dramatically speed up the operation
of your mouse. Author unknown. Keywords: ADB,Mouse,Init,Extension,Turbo.
Name = Sys 7 HD Copat. List.cpt
Path = AMUG CD:Files:System7 tools:S:Sys 7 HD Copat. List.cpt
Size: 4K Date: 9/09/91 Version:
This is a list of all hard drives and their System 7.0 compatability
upgrade format software. The Article may be reprinted by other User Groups
provided the Author and the AMUG News Team are given credit and a copy at
718 E. Campbell Ave., Gilbert, AZ 85234.
Name = Sys7 font fix stack.cpt
Path = AMUG CD:Files:System7 tools:S:Sys7 font fix stack.cpt
Size: 45K Date: 7/09/91 Version:
I found a annoying thing with System 7.0 - ancient bitmap fonts from the
Mac 128K/512K days can't be double-clicked and examined, copy to the System
file, etc. like newer fonts can be. And in the System 7.0 docs, Apple
tells us that Font/DA mover is no longer used... This stack tells how I
used ResEdit (2.0 or higher) to add the necessary 'FOND' resource and
includes graphics. This will allow you to double-click on an ancient bitmap
font suitcase. NOTE: the user must be familiar with ResEdit before trying
Name = Sys 7 logo.cpt
Path = AMUG CD:Files:System7 tools:S:Sys 7 logo.cpt
Size: 17K Date: 6/17/91 Version:
This file contains several EPS files of Apple's system 7.0 logo.
Name = Sys Logo.cpt
Path = AMUG CD:Files:System7 tools:S:Sys Logo.cpt
Size: 13K Date: 6/17/91 Version:
This file contains several EPS files of Fred Showkers version of Apple's
system 7.0 logo.
Name = System 7.0.1 Change Overview
Path = AMUG CD:Files:System7 tools:S:System 7.0.1 Change Overview
Size: 7K Date:11/16/91 Version:
System 7.0.1 Change Overview October 1991 - text file.
MemoryRAM Disk support on Quadra and PowerBook machines. Support for RAM
Disk oMacintosh Portable has been moved from the Portable CDEV to Memory.
Minorinternal changes have been made to all of the “panels” inside memory.
Specifically, the VM and RAM Cache “panels” have been updated to work
correctly with the new RAM disk and to work with the existing RAM disk on
Macintosh portables. Download for more info.
Name = System7.0.Keyboard Patch.cpt
Path = AMUG CD:Files:System7 Tools:S:System7.0.Keyboard Patch.cpt
Size: 6K Date: 6/20/91 Version:
Patches System 7.0 keyboard mapping bug. It's a replacement KCHR resource
to drop into your System file. This bug caused the wrong character to be
entered in some uncommon situations. (I.e. if you haven't noticed yet you
must not use a lot of the Shift-option characters. Compact Pro compressed
file. Keywords: keyboard, mapping, bug, System 7, KCHR, resource.
Name = System 7 Desktop.cpt
Path = AMUG CD:Files:System7 tools:S:System 7 Desktop.cpt
Size: 10K Date: 2/13/92 Version:
Learn how to "Force Quit" the Finder in System 7 without installing any
additional software or messing with ResEdit. Also, a simple way to rebuild
the Desktop file under System 7 - without having to restart the computer.
This small file explains how to unlock these neat features found on any Mac
running System 7.0.
Name = System 7 Installation.cpt
Path = AMUG CD:Files:System7 tools:S:System 7 Installation.cpt
Size: 18K Date: 9/06/91 Version:
If you obtained System 7 in a package provided by Apple, you already have
installation instructions. If you obtained System 7 through AMUG and took
advantage of the package deal which included "The Macintosh Bible Guide to
System 7", that also has complete installation instructions. One of the
purposes of this article is to provide guidance for those attempting to go
it without written guidance. There are one or two little hookers about
System 7 you should know before installing it. This System 7 install
article was written by Dorman Bullard of the AMUG News team. Other User
Groups may reprint provided the author and AMUG recieve credit and a copy.
Name = System 7 Keyboard Remap.cpt
Path = AMUG CD:Files:System7 tools:S:System 7 Keyboard Remap.cpt
Size: 10K Date:11/01/91 Version:
Apple changed the keyboard mapping for System 7 without publicizing this
fact. If you suddenly find that familiar keystrokes don't produce
familiar characters when you've upgraded to System 7, this file is for
you. It contains some explanation of the changes in System 7 and a KCHR
resource that you can drop into your System Folder that will allow you to
revert to the System 6 keyboard mapping.
Name = System 7 Pack! 2.1.cpt
Path = AMUG CD:Files:System7 tools:S:System 7 Pack! 2.1.cpt
Size: 48K Date: 2/24/92 Version: 2.1
System 7 Pack! 2.1 - System 7 Pack from Insanely Great Software includes
three very useful System 7.0 utilities, Finder 7 Menus!, lets you change,
add & delete command key combinations from the System 7.0. Finder (the
included version only allows the first 11 letters of the alphabet to be
used), Rename Delay Editor!, lets you change the rename delay in System 7
Finder and Application--Document Linker!, lets you change the relationship
between documents and applications, and allows you to add as many links as
you wish. Documentation included in MacWrite. Version 2.1.
Name = System7PowerPoint.cpt
Path = AMUG CD:Files:System7 Tools:S:System7PowerPoint.cpt
Size:140K Date: 7/02/91 Version:
This is a Color PowerPoint Apple Presentation of the new System 7.0 and its
Name = System 7 corner.cpt
Path = AMUG CD:Files:System7 Tools:S:System 7 corner.cpt
Size: 93K Date: 8/28/91 Version:
System 7 corner contains info on HyperCard 2.1, System 7 tools and
more. The System 7.0 corner is from Outside VAMP a Netherlands Programing
BBS. For more information contact: John Sinteur; lid, Outside VAMP,
Strawinskypad 822324 DB Leiden, 01830 - 24307 (werk) 071 - 317146 (thuis).
Name = System 7 tips.cpt
Path = AMUG CD:Files:System7 tools:S:System 7 tips.cpt
Size: 16K Date:11/01/91 Version:
This text file contains System 7 tips from several sources.
Name = System Errors 7.0.1.cpt
Path = AMUG CD:Files:System7 tools:S:System Errors 7.0.1.cpt
Size: 41K Date:11/06/91 Version: 7.0.1
This DOCMaker stand alone file contains a comprehensive and as complete as
possible list of System 7.x.x error codes. Easy to use and handy to have
when errors do happen.
Name = TRASHDISABLE1.3.cpt
Path = AMUG CD:Files:System7 tools:T:TRASHDISABLE1.3.cpt
Size: 4K Date:11/01/91 Version: 1.3
An INIT/Fkey combination which prevents deleting files from the trash using
the Finder. Useful for Macs used by small children and educators. This
version is System 7 compatible.
Name = Task-It 1.0.cpt
Path = AMUG CD:Files:System7 tools:T:Task-It 1.0.cpt
Size: 14K Date: 9/28/91 Version: 1.0
Task-It is an application which will monitor and allow partial control over
System 7.0 processes. It will monitor memory and CPU usage in addition to
some application management via a pop-up menu. Documentation included.
Name = TextMerger v1.02.cpt
Path = AMUG CD:Files:System7 tools:T:TextMerger v1.02.cpt
Size: 4K Date: 1/30/92 Version: 1.02
TextMerger v1.02 allows you to drop or drag multiple text files under
System 7 (2-255) on to the textMerger icon and it will automatically create
a combined single text file. By Kaz Matsuki.
Name = TrashAlias v1.0.cpt
Path = AMUG CD:Files:System7 tools:T:TrashAlias v1.0.cpt
Size: 9K Date:12/31/91 Version: 1.0
TrashAlias remedies a problem by automatically deleting any alias files
associated with a file (or folder) when it is deleted.
Name = Trash Chute.cpt
Path = AMUG CD:Files:System7 Tools:T:Trash Chute.cpt
Size: 5K Date: 7/28/91 Version: 2.0
This simple application is handy for people using System 7. Place it in
your StartUp Folder and it will automatically empty the Trash Can (which
is sometimes full when you startup). Version 2.0. Keywords: Trash,Finder,
StartUp, Application,System 7.
Name = TrashMan3.1.2.cpt
Path = AMUG CD:Files:System7 tools:T:TrashMan3.1.2.cpt
Size: 27K Date: 2/13/92 Version: 3.1.2
TrashMan3.1.2 is a system enhancement designed for System 7 and beyond.
TrashMan is like an electronic compost heap, deleting files from your trash
after they have 'aged' beyond a setpoint that you specify, in days and
hours. TrashMan empties the trash of any volume that is dropped on it,
acting like a selective 'Empty Trash' command. If you use TrashMan, you
need never choose ‘Empty Trash’ from the ‘Special’ menu ever again, and yet
still receive the benefits of the new non-emptying trash in System 7.0.
Name = TrashMastr1.0.cpt
Path = AMUG CD:Files:System7 tools:T:TrashMastr1.0.cpt
Size: 73K Date: 2/23/92 Version: 1.0
TrashMastr1.0 - Allen, Texas, February, 1992 - Utilitron, Inc., formally
the HandOff Corp., has begun shipping TrashMaster with Incinerator, a
utility designed to automatically free precious disk space and protect
confidential data. TrashMaster provides automatic emptying of trash at
scheduled intervals or system events. Incinerator automatically erases
confidential files per United States Department of Defense specification to
prevent unauthorized recovery.
Name = Troubleshooting 7.0.cpt
Path = AMUG CD:Files:System7 Tools:T:Troubleshooting 7.0.cpt
Size: 17K Date: 7/02/91 Version:
Installation & Troubleshooting Caveats. Copyright 1991, Apple Computer,
Inc. Troubleshooting Caveats provides invaluable information about
installing, extensions, virus protection & security programs, and bugs &
workarounds. It is a MacWrite II document.
Name = TrueType™ Info.cpt
Path = AMUG CD:Files:System7 Tools:T:TrueType™ Info.cpt
Size:170K Date: 7/03/91 Version:
TrueType™ Info is a detailed stack on True Type for the Macintosh. Use Disk
Doubler 3.7 to decompress. This file was provided courtesy of Apple
Computer all rights reserved.
Name = TrueType Overview.cpt
Path = AMUG CD:Files:System7 Tools:T:TrueType Overview.cpt
Size: 94K Date: 7/03/91 Version:
TrueType Overview is a HyperCard stack that handles discussion on True Type
and how this font technology will work with your Macintosh. Use Disk
Doubler 3.7 to decompress.
Name = System 7 Tune-Up Q&A.txt
Path = AMUG CD:Files:System7 tools:S:System 7 Tune-Up Q&A.txt
Size: 10K Date: 1/26/92 Version:
This file lists many of the System 7 Tuneup Advantages. This file is from
Apple Computer.
Path = AMUG CD:Files:System7 tools:U-Z:VISAGE.CPT
Size: 29K Date: 2/08/92 Version:
Visage is a System 7 utility that makes it easier to select new icons for
your disks. While the System 7 Finder allows you to do this, Visage
provides an integrated way of adding colorful, new icons to your disks.
Please note that Visage requires System 7 or later.
Name = VM-Eject 2.0
Path = AMUG CD:Files:System7 tools:U-Z:VM-Eject 2.0
Size: 7K Date: 6/19/91 Version: 2.0
This is VMEject 2.0, a freeware application that will modify System 7's
Memory cdev (Control Panel) to allow you to put your Virtual Memory
swap file on a removable media like a SyQuest drive. If you do so, be
sure that you DO NOT EJECT THE CARTRIDGE! Serious Bad Things will happen.
Keywords: system 7, system7,vm,vmeject,syquest,virtual memory,memory,swap.
Name = Works2.0ePatch.cpt
Path = AMUG CD:Files:System7 tools:U-Z:Works2.0ePatch.cpt
Size: 19K Date: 2/13/92 Version:
The Works2.0e Patch allows users of Microsoft Works 2.0 to update their
version of Works for System 7.0 compatability.
Name = zapParam1.0a1.cpt
Path = AMUG CD:Files:System7 tools:U-Z:zapParam1.0a1.cpt
Size: 14K Date: 1/06/92 Version: 1.0a1
System software 7.0 does not offer a method of users zapping their
parameter ram when they have problems or just want to for the fun of it.
Previous versions allowed this with the ‘SHIFT+OPTION+COMMAND + open
Control Panel’. zapParam was written for those of you who want to wipe out
your parameter ram while running under system 7. zapParam is a control
panel and, of course, is runnable from anywhere on your hard disk just by
double-clicking on it. zapParam will not run under 6.0 or earlier. It runs
but gives a friendly notice that it won't zap param and gives instructions
on how to do it under 6.0 systems.